Short description

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Here is a short paragraph for the NEcluster facility description:

The University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK) Department of Nuclear Engineering (UTK NE) will provide computer hardware and software required to support this research project. The computational infrastructure is based around the growing Nuclear Engineering Linux Cluster ( which consists of over 60 computing nodes, most of which are based on 8-core Intel i7 processors, presently totaling over 750 cores and 1.8 TB of RAM. The computing nodes are rack-mounted boxes, connected to the head node via Gigabit Ethernet. Software available on the cluster includes MCNP, SCALE, Serpent, GEANT4, ROOT, MATLAB/SIMULINK, etc.
All staff and students have exclusive access to personal computers capable of performing most of the computational and document requirements. UTK has excellent libraries that will aid literature reviews.