Filesystems Available
General information on NECluster file-systems
All nodes have system drives with the Linux OS installation. Data directories and NE-specific codes are shared across cluster from NFS servers via the shared Gigabit network.
Home directories
The home directories are exported from one NFS server. For this reason the input-output (I/O) performance may suffer if many users are accessing the same filesystem from multiple nodes. This can be alleviated by using other shared filesystems for I/O intensive programs, see below.
User data in are not backed up. Users are responsible for maintaining their own data backups.
Memory mounted /tmp/ directory
All nodes have /tmp/ mounted in memory for fast access. If your job runs on a single node, consider using that for temporary files. Create your directory /tmp/<username>/
Files are cleared on reboot.
SCALE runs write and read many temporary files. Please use /home/tmp_scale/ filesystem for these files. This filesystem is exported from a separate NFS server, taking load off your /home/ directory. Create your own sub-directory /home/tmp_scale/<username>/ and point SCALE there.
Files are deleted from /home/tmp_scale/ after 180 days of last modification.
Another separate NFS server exports /scratch/ directories. Please consider using /scratch/ for code development. Create your own sub-directory /scratch/<username>/
Files are deleted from /scratch/ after 180 days of last modification.
NE Cluster programs in /opt/ directory
Programs you want to run which are not a standard part of the Linux distribution (SCALE, MCNP, NESTLE, ...) are in /opt/ directory. Some of these codes require a license from, and you can only get access to them after providing a proof of obtaining the proper license.