Useful Commands
Useful Commands
- To list processes you run on the cluster nodes, run this command on the head node:
- The following command uses gstat to get a list of nodes by load. It then sorts the list by load/free CPUs and connects you to the node with the most free CPUs. The format below is an alias that you can put in your .bashrc file if you want it to be automatically applied to your environment.
alias fss='ssh `gstat -1a -i necluster|grep node|sort -gr -k2|sort -k13|sort -k11|head -n1|cut -f1 -d" "`'
- Get cluster load information from Ganglia in a terminal:
gstat -p8649 -1a -i necluster
- The above, add sum of user+system load and sort on the load sum. The least loaded nodes are shows first:
gstat -p8649 -1a -i necluster | grep node | awk '{print $11+$13"\t"$1;}' | sort -g
- To list the unloaded nodes, run this command on the head node:
Other tips
- Temperature monitoring: